For Admin: How do I post a memory on behalf of someone else?

1. Click the yellow "Post a Memory" button at the top of your person's LifeWeb

2. Enter the name of the person whose memory you're sharing

3. REQUIRED: Confirm you have permission to post their memory

4. REQUIRED: Add content to the memory

Click to add images or a video link. Then, type the memory or story you'd like to share with your person's community in the text box.  Note: You can add up to 5 photos -OR- 1 video link to each memory.

5. REQUIRED: Select at least 1 Life Thread

Your person's life has many threads, from the things and groups of people most important to them to how they made others feel. By selecting Life Threads that apply to the memory, you're helping to organize the memories shared on your person's LifeWeb so they're easier for everyone to explore and build on over time.  Choose as many Life Threads as you'd like!

Note: As an Admin, you can also add custom Life Threads that are specific to your person's life, interests, and community. To add a custom Life Thread while sharing a memory, simply click the "Add Custom Life Thread" link and enter your desired text.

6. OPTIONAL: Add a memory highlight

If you'd like, you can select a phrase that best captures the spirit of the memory. This highlight will display as an independent quote on your person's LifeWeb and link to the full memory.

7. Click the blue "Preview Memory" button

The "Preview Memory" button will turn blue when all required fields have been completed—click this button to see a preview of the memory. 

8. Review the memory

When you preview the memory, you'll notice the name of the person you are posting on behalf of will be visible. 

9. Adjust & update the memory to your liking

If you'd like to make any changes before submitting the memory, simply click "Edit Memory" to return to the previous screen.

10. Click the yellow "Submit Memory" button to finish posting the memory

When you're satisfied, click the "Submit Memory" button to post the memory to your person's LifeWeb!

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