What does it mean when my memory or comment is "In Review"?

Our system has flagged your memory or comment for additional review & temporarily hidden it from the LifeWeb community's view.

All memories and comments are reviewed by our system before they're posted to a LifeWeb to ensure they: 

Are in the spirit of celebrating the person being honored
Do not contain sensitive or private information
Meet LifeWeb community sharing guidelines (such as protecting people's pages from bots, copyright infringement issues, etc.)

If our system thinks a memory or comment may not meet our community sharing guidelines, it flags it for additional review & temporarily hides the memory or comment from the LifeWeb community's view. 

Our system is still learning and sometimes makes mistakes! So, once a memory or comment has been flagged, a real-life member of our team steps in to check it over. 

Until a LifeWeb 360 team member has manually reviewed it, the flagged memory or comment is only visible to the person who contributed it.

The LifeWeb 360 team is standing-by Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm CT, to review any and all memories and comments flagged for additional review. Outside normal business hours, please allow up to 1 business day for your flagged memory or comment to be manually reviewed.

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