How do I email a memory?

You can email your memory to LifeWeb 360 as an easy alternative to using the "Share a memory" button.

If you’re more comfortable with email, simply:

  1. Email your memories to
  2. Write your person's first and last name in the subject line, i.e. the name on the LifeWeb page, not your name
  3. Sign the email with your name so we know which name to attribute your memory to and display on the LifeWeb

Your memory will then be added to your person's LifeWeb page. 

If adding photos, please note that we can only add 5 photos at a time to a memory. If you email more than 5 photos they will be split into multiple posts. A better option is to email us multiple times with up to 5 photos, and a written memory specific to that set of photos to caption them.

How to know if your memory was received

You will receive an email reply from one of our team members with the subject line “Your Memory has been posted!”. If you do not receive this email, check your spam folder and also your sent folder to confirm you sent your message to

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