How can I add or change my person's birthdate or date of passing?

As an admin, you can add or edit your person's birthdate or date of passing. While these dates will not appear on their LifeWeb, people may opt in to receive reminders on these important dates that might be meaningful to you and your person's loved ones. 

If your person has not passed, you can also indicate that by ticking "has not passed". This will ensure that any messaging on your person's LifeWeb or any automated emails will read in the present tense when referring to their life. 

1. First, start by logging into your admin account. Then, click "Settings" and select "Dates to Remember" under Admin Settings.

Screenshot of Dates to Remember in the Settings menu

2. Add or edit the important dates to enable the notifications for those special dates.

Screenshot of Dates to Remember form

Note: If your person has not passed, you can also indicate that here by clicking "has not passed". This will ensure that any messaging on your person's LifeWeb or any automated emails will read in the present tense when referring to their life.

Also, please note that the "Save" button will remain inactive until a change is made on the form.

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